Let's first know who and what is considered Wildlife?

It includes: squirrels, raccoon, possums, and rabbits.

Naming those in Chicago that's a common concern in spring/summer)

What do I do if I find one in or around my property or destroying my yard/garden?

According to Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and University of Illinois Extension (2017): "Preventing problems is much simpler and less aggravating than dealing with the problems after they occur. Fortunately, taking a few simple steps can help you prevent many of the most common wildlife-related problems around your home. A number of proven methods can be used to solve the problem when it cannot be prevented. Sometimes removal of an animal is necessary. By Illinois law, an animal removal permit must be requested from the IDNR before most species of wildlife may be removed from private property by the resident or a nuisance wildlife control operator. “(p. 1)

What can I do if I have this problem?

IDNR recommends:

"Regularly inspect the exterior of your home. Siding or roofing materials that have suffered weather damage or deterioration make it easier for animals to gain access".

If you have a den:

“Second, take steps to avoid sealing animals or their young inside your home. Sealing an animal under or inside the structure may have one of two unpleasant consequences: 1) the animal will cause more damage as it tries to escape or retrieve its young, or 2) there may be a very unpleasant odor if the animal is unable to escape and dies inside the building".

Need more info? Contact your local animal control/wildlife agencies to learn the rules and procedure in your area. In Illinois contact University of Illinois http://web.extension.illinois.edu/wildlife/

If in Chicago: Animal Control: 312.747.1406 or visit https://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/cacc/provdrs/animal_control_andrescue.html


University of Illinois Extension/IDNR.(2017). Living with wildlife in Illinois. University of Illinois Extension http://web.extension.illinois.edu/wildlife/